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Meet Leela

Our german shepherd/collie mix dog

Leela is part of our family and helps us keep active and engaged with the community. She is 9 years old and approximately 90 lbs. We have had her since she was around 3 months old. 


An interesting story about Leela: around 2 years ago she injured her back right knee (stifle) while playing in the back yard catching a ball. We assessed her knee and suspected a CCL (cranial cruciate ligament) tear. A visit to a licensed vet confirmed this. 


The veterinerean took x-rays also and found some signs of knee arthritis also. After a discussion with the vet we decided on treating her with the skills we learned as physical therapists alongside medicine prescribed by the vet. 


The outcome amazes even us! We applied similar approach to physical therapy that we do on people to our dog. It took time but with this approach Leela has returned to her normal self. She returned to walking normally short distances, then longer distances, then trotting, running and finally sprinting! We love that our dog is back to being active and we love the empowerment that physical therapy has given us in our community and with our family. 

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